Tuesday, October 13, 2009

synapse to synapse, the possibility's thin

simple white dress. simple white cake. simple music notes drifting from the piano through the air to the ears of all my dearest friends and family. you and your smile and your charm and just you. our love that makes everyone sick with envy. oh the cute little flower girl. my girls and your guys. our best of friends/loved ones lined up beside us in this room full of daisies and candlelight. the smiles and the tears and making funny faces at each other because we're just silly like that. holding hands tightly as we run down the aisle, anxious to escape the flashes of cameras and the hugs from unknown relatives... but we are stopped and forced to stand and look pretty as pictures are made to ensure that these memories do not fade. i am showing off my ring to the ladies in the room even though my favorite accessory will always be you by my side. the cake is cut and the champagne glasses are filled. there are so many people to talk to, to smile at, to hug tightly, to accept congratulations from. my focus is constantly on you. i look through/over/around the person in front of me to make eye contact with you on the other side of the room. everyone in the room has been a part of my life and has loved me for longer than i can remember, but you... you are all i want/need. you ARE my life now. that makes me the happiest woman alive. we break free from the ceremony and the chatter by sneaking away to enjoy a quiet moment together in the back of the room before the music plays again... the whole day feels like a wonderful dream, but you look me in the eyes and whisper "i love you"... and as i say "i love you back" i realize that this is so much better than any dream could ever be. once again we join the crowd to dance and laugh and let our families gaze in wonder at us and how fabulous we are together. you hold me so close as we're dancing, pulling me away occasionally to stare into my eyes or kiss me on the cheek or whisper in my ear... they are all so jealous. happy for us, but jealous... and they should be. we are...perfect.

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